Where Did the Time Go?
Our family just returned (14 November) from a round trip RV excursion from California to Virginia and North Carolina and back. On board the 27 foot Shasta Class C RV were myself and my better half, the family dog, and four cats. It was a fun but exhausting trip. I'll expand on the trip in a later post, but I wanted to get everyone up to speed on the novel, for which I have been very remiss.
The bad news is that my computer crashed just a few days before we left on our trip and there wasn't any time to get a new one. Now that I'm back home I've started getting a new computer up an running.The good news is that all of the "novel stuff" was backed up, so none of it was lost.
"The Majik of Spark" is on the final stretch. Nineteen Chapters are complete, with much of the initial editing completed. Chapters twenty through twenty-seven are also complete, pending editing. Chapter twenty-eight is giving me some trouble at the moment, but it is nearly complete. I have the last five chapters mapped out and I'm pretty excited about how things are falling together.
The goal is to have the novel completed and ready for pitching at an upcoming writer's conference scheduled in February, 2015.
Now, I just need to transfer files over to the new computer, get myself organized, and keep writing!